
PPL is the UK-based music licensing company, licensing recorded music for public, broadcast and online use. It does this on behalf of music performers, record companies and rights holders to make sure that people who invest their time and talent making music for public consumption are fairly paid for their work. The challenge was to create a film that could explain this process to several audiences; those who are asked by law to purchase a licence and the rights holders and performers, who benefit from the issue of those licences.
The potentially “difficult” message informing business owners that a licence must be purchased had to be tackled with transparency and empathy. We chose to do this using animation to show the “money journey” in a friendly yet factual way.
The campaign, was launched on the PPL website and featured at the world music rights licensing show where it turned heads; several other countries have since asked Ratchet Films to customise the animation for their own markets.

Case Study © Ratchet Films